4-H Saskatchewan tries to keep this information below as up to date as possible. Please contact 4-H Saskatchewan if there are any errors or omissions listed here. Please contact the opportunity providers directly with any questions about the travel opportunity.
Global Youth Ag Summit
If you’re 18-25 and care about our planet’s future, you should be part of this. What’s your vision on how to feed a growing world population?
For more information: https://www.youthagsummit.com/#
Global Youth Institute
The Global Youth Institute provides delegates with opportunities to connect with other students and teachers from around the world, tour cutting-edge industrial and research facilities, and take part in symposium discussions with global leaders in science, industry and policy. Selected students will interact with Nobel and World Food Prize Laureates and discuss pressing food security and agricultural issues with international experts.
Click HERE to learn more!
Global Youth Ag Summit
If you’re 18-25 and care about our planet’s future, you should be part of this. What’s your vision on how to feed a growing world population?
For more information: https://www.youthagsummit.com/#
Global Youth Institute
The Global Youth Institute provides delegates with opportunities to connect with other students and teachers from around the world, tour cutting-edge industrial and research facilities, and take part in symposium discussions with global leaders in science, industry and policy. Selected students will interact with Nobel and World Food Prize Laureates and discuss pressing food security and agricultural issues with international experts.
Click HERE to learn more!