Register as an Alumni
As a former 4-H member, you know first hand how 4-H can benefit young people. You made lifelong friends, worked on projects, developed self-confidence and learned new skills like parliamentary procedure, that schools and other youth programs don’t usually offer. You calmed the butterflies long enough to survive your first speech or Achievement Day. You traveled to other countries or other parts of the province. Some of you went to national conferences or received scholarships to help with your post secondary education. Wow… those were the days!
4-H doesn’t have to stop when you stop being a member; you’re welcome to begin an exciting new phase as a 4-H alumnus.
Former members can meet to socialize and keep their ties to the 4-H program, become a leader, start a club, or volunteer with the 4-H program. Some of the assistance volunteers can offer include:
4-H doesn’t have to stop when you stop being a member; you’re welcome to begin an exciting new phase as a 4-H alumnus.
Former members can meet to socialize and keep their ties to the 4-H program, become a leader, start a club, or volunteer with the 4-H program. Some of the assistance volunteers can offer include:
- Offering independent programs for the benefit of 4-H members.
- Assisting with district, regional and provincial programs and events.
- Judging public speaking competitions.
- Judging record books and projects for Achievement Days.
- Making presentations to clubs about various topics, such as opportunities, record keeping, public speaking, beef and horse grooming and showmanship, etc.
- Fundraising for the Saskatchewan 4-H Foundation.
Connect with 4-H ONLINE
Connect with other 4-H'ers on social media. Join our "Saskatchewan 4-H Alumni" Facebook Group by following this link or searching "Saskatchewan 4-H Alumni" on Facebook. |
Join the Alumni Network
To join the 4-H Saskatchewan Alumni fill out the form below, contact the provincial office at 306-933-7727 or email